Embassy in Conakry provides small grants to registered self-help groups, community-based organizations, non-governmental organizations, and certain educational institutions.
The objective is to aid groups develop projects that improve
living conditions in their communities.
This is an Annual Program Statement, which outlines our funding priorities, the strategic themes we focus on, and the procedures for submitting requests for funding.
Please carefully follow all instructions below.Purpose of Small GrantsEmbassy Conakry invites proposals for small community projects.
The program is designed to improve basic economic and social conditions in local communities and support high impact, quick implementation activities that benefit a large number of people.
Participating communities provide a significant contribution in cash, labor, and materials.
The demand for Small Grant funds is very high and well above our funding capacity.
Consequently, priority is given to projects which best meet the program’s objectives and criteria.
Examples of U.
Embassy Community Small Grants Program projects include, but are not limited to:• Small construction projects, including school rooms, community centers, health facilities, foot bridges, housing for a government or community-paid nurses or teachers, workshops, community abattoirs, grain storage, rural airstrips for hospitals, and school dormitories for distant students.• Water-related projects – wells, latrines, pumps, bore holes, shower stalls and sinks and fishponds.• School equipment and supplies – desks, chairs, laboratory equipment and library items.• Communal construction equipment such as brick-making machines.• Miscellaneous durable goods – stoves or refrigerators for a school or hospital, or washing machines for a clinic.• Income generating equipment – weaving looms, tools for furniture making, rice-milling machines.The Embassy tries to fund equipment that can be maintained properly by the local community.