Program Overview and Priorities:
The purpose of the Boating Safety Data Collection and Analysis Grant Award is to conduct a 2015 National Recreational Boating Survey (NRBS) for the purpose of gathering information (e.g., boat registration data) to produce valid and reliable estimates of:(1) The numbers
of different types and sizes of boats that are owned in the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico;(2) The number of boats that are used out on the water and the number of days and hours that they are used out on the water;(3) The number and characteristics of persons comprising the general population that go boating (i.e., go out on the water in a recreational boat); (4) The amount of recreational boating (e.g., total annual number of person-days of recreational boating, annual number of person-hours of recreational boating, number of days and hours different type and size boats are used when they are in use out on the water); and(5) The amount spent by boaters while on their boating trips and for annual upkeep (e.g., storage, maintenance).The data collected and analyses conducted will provide the Coast Guard, State boating agencies, and boating organizations better information for program planning, implementing effectiveness measures, conducting education and outreach to the recreational boating community, and economic impact assessment.
In turn, the efforts of these organizations will increase the usage of lifejacket wear; increase the awareness and usage of on water instruction; enhance awareness of safe boating operations; enhance recreational boating safety by reducing the number of accidents, injuries, and deaths on AmericaÂ’s waterways; and provide a safe enjoyable experience for the boating public.
It is anticipated that the final report for all data collected will occur by August 201 6. Data collection and analysis will occur over multiple fiscal years.
Although applicants will submit proposals covering the entire project period, the Coast Guard may grant awards to the successful applicant over multiple fiscal years based on funding availability.