The STC program enhances the ability of the Unites States to detect and prevent terrorist attacks and other high-consequence events utilizing nuclear or other radiological materials that pose a high risk to homeland security in high risk urban areas.
Support to recipients includes assistance
in developing and integrating local or regional programs into a national detection structure, guiding the development of Concepts of Operations (CONOPs) and standard operating procedures, providing radiological/nuclear (R/N) detection equipment, providing training and exercise products to ensure detection is integrated into day-to-day activities and that partners are proficient in the detection mission area.
Capability is defined as trained and equipped personnel who are proficient in the use of R/N detection equipment and guided by detection and response protocols.The STC Program will be executed in four phases.
This specific Opportunity will focus on Phase I (Engagement) which is expected to take up to 1 year and this phase includes the establishment of the program office and the governance structure of the program.Please view the Notice of Funding Opportunity for additional information on the FY2020 Securing the Cities (STC) Program, as well as instructions on how to apply.
Agency: Department of Homeland Security
Office: Office of Procurement Operations - Grants Division
Estimated Funding: $1,000,000
Obtain Full Opportunity Text:See Related Details
Additional Information of Eligibility:Consistent with the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (“HSA”) (Pub.
107-296), as amended by section 2(a)(10) of the Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Act of 2018 (Pub.
115-387), codified at 6 U.S.C.
596b., subsection 1928(c), the Secretary of Homeland Security has designated eligible STC Program Applicants as those selected from among the high-risk urban areas.
Additionally, CWMD has added the level 5 Stabilization Team proximity to the eligibility requirements to synchronize with the FBI in critical areas of the country by leveraging partnerships and unique capabilities that the FBI has established in these jurisdictions.
Proximity within the regions supported by Level 5 Stabilization Teams also allows the STC Program to better protect population centers by shifting focus from the adversary’s potential targets to include the threat pathways into and within the region and the United States.
The applicant is termed the lead agency (applicant).This NOFO applies to all eligible regions as defined in above that have not been previously awarded an STC grant.
The effort covered by this Opportunity focuses on the following two high risk urban areas: Boston, MA and New Orleans, LA.
Full Opportunity Web Address: Agency Email Description: Customer Support
Agency Email: Date Posted: 2020-06-18
Application Due Date: Archive Date: 2020-08-20