The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to solicit feedback from industry, academia, research laboratories, government agencies, and other stakeholders on how to improve framing of issues and potential appropriate government roles in addressing them, so that the DOE hydropower strategy and
HydroWIRES research can be most impactful for the nation.
This is solely a Request for Information and not a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA).
EERE is not accepting applications.
Responses to this RFI must be submitted electronically to no later than 5:00 p.m.
ET on June 24, 202 0.
Responses must be provided as attachments to an email.
Only electronic responses will be accepted.
The full content of the announcement can be found on the EERE Exchange website at
This is a Request for Information only.
EERE will not pay for information provided under this RFI and no project will be supported as a result of this RFI.
This RFI is not accepting applications for financial assistance or financial incentives.
Agency: Department of Energy
Office: Golden Field Office
Estimated Funding: $74,000
Obtain Full Opportunity Text:EERE Funding Opportunity Exchange
Additional Information of Eligibility:The President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) Country Operational Plan (COP 2020) notional budget for Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) was provided as part of the annual program level letter and COP20 planning process.
As part of annual PEPFAR guidance, COP20 outlines a process for furthering the programmatic progress and achievements towards the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3 HIV goal to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030.
PEPFAR country programs were encouraged to apply for additional funding if they demonstrated ability to set and achieve ambitious targets, particularly for the care and treatment portion of their programs.
The conditions of this funding include that the awardee must be an existing partner, not a new partner in COP20 and the implementing partners must be amongst the highest performing partners with demonstrated evidence that they are addressing critical gaps within the program.
The CDC/DRC team applied for and received recommendation for approval for Ambition Funding.
The reason for requesting this program expansion supplement is to support an existing implementing partner, ICAP, by offering an expansion of time with additional funding.
By approving this program-initiated expansion supplement, CDC/DRC will be able to go beyond the notional targets set in COP20, by continuing ICAP's ongoing implementation in order to exceed notional level targets with ambitious targets.
Activities for which ICAP qualifies for Ambition Funding include: Activity 1: Ensuring men are diagnosed, treated early and virally suppressed.
ICAP's overall achievement was 107% of FY19 targets for reaching men (HIV_TST_POS men) in Haut Katanga and Kinshasa.
In both geographic areas ICAP successfully reached men primarily using index testing.
Activity 2: Ensuring all children are diagnosed and are on the best treatment regimens and virally suppressed.
Reaching more kids in Haut Katanga and Kinshasa will be done through family tree and index testing dashboards, putting in place a tracking system, and scaling up adolescent support groups for disclosure.
ICAP has proven success in reaching pediatric populations and 15-35 year old men and women.
Full Opportunity Web Address: Agency Email Description:
Agency Email: Date Posted: 2020-05-01
Application Due Date: Archive Date: 2020-07-24