This solicitation is being announced as an open competition targeted at state law enforcement agencies authorized by law or by a state agency to engage in or to supervise anti-methamphetamine investigative activities.
Funding is limited and this solicitation is expected to be very competitive.
Strong applications should demonstrate a multijurisdictional reach and participation in interdisciplinary team structures (i.e., task forces).
Strong applications should also include multi-year state level methamphetamine seizure data to support their proposal.
The goals for this program are to Increase efforts to locate and investigate illicit methamphetamine activities including precursor diversion, laboratories, or traffickers; establish new or enhance existing multijurisdictional and interdisciplinary task forces to lead to the seizure of precursor chemicals, finished methamphetamine, laboratories, and laboratory dump seizures; increase the use of community policing strategies (including problem solving, partnerships, and organizational changes) to reduce the manufacture, distribution, and use of methamphetamine; and increase anti-methamphetamine collaboration efforts with federal, state, local, and/or tribal partners involved in prevention, intervention/treatment, identification of drug endangered children and enforcement activities.
The COPS Office reserves the right to limit awards to one per state at the time of award announcement.