ATSDR seeks to build and sustain the capacity to evaluate exposures to hazardous waste across the country.
Releases from hazardous waste sites are a major source of harmful exposures in homes, schools, workplaces, and communities.
These exposures are often complex and may be difficult
to identify and control.
Hazardous waste sites may involve various toxic substances, exposure pathways, and health impacts.
ATSDR’s primary goal is to keep communities safe from harmful exposures and related diseases.
To accomplish this goal, the agency works closely with partnering agencies to evaluate exposures at hazardous waste sites, educate communities, and seek new ways to better protect public health.
The purpose of this funding announcement is to support state health departments in their response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Potential COVID-19 related work under this supplemental funding opportunity may include providing guidance and community engagement on safe practices for disinfection for home, school and early learning education centers, and assist in COVID-19 response and prevention efforts by conducting environmental assessments, establishing and promoting plans and policies for addressing environmental impacts, and strengthening partnerships among the environmental, epidemiological, and laboratory responses.
APPLETREE grantees could also help to prepare for hurricane season and sheltering with COVID-19 mitigations, evacuations due to wildfires while COVID-19 shelter-at-home is in place, and adapt guidance for chemical or radiologic emergencies in light of COVID-19