This award will provide supplemental funds only for recipients previously awarded under CDC-RFA-TP17-1701:
Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP) and Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) Cooperative Agreements.
This supplement will also serve as notification to funded entities that
the current period of performance, originally scheduled to end on June 30, 2022, will now end on June 30, 201 9.
A new Notice of Funding Opportunity Announcement will be published to go into effect on July 1, 2019, and will mark the beginning of a new five-year period of performance.
Funding for this budget period is provided for both HPP and PHEP programmatic activities.
A total of $226,948,000 for HPP and $605,632,500 for PHEP in fiscal year 2018 funds is estimated to be available for this Budget Period 1 Supplement, which begins July 1, 2018, and ends June 30, 201 9.
The funding amounts shown in the appendices are for planning purposes only and may be revised based on the final fiscal year 2018 budget.
This announcement is only for non-research activities supported by ASPR and CDC.
If research is proposed, the application will not be considered.
For this purpose, research is defined at 2. pdf.
Guidance on how CDC interprets the definition of research in the context of public health can be found at