CDC-RFA-OE-17-1702 Title:
Increasing Public Awareness and Provider Education About Primary Immunodeficiency Disease FUNDING OPPORTUNITY DESCRIPTION Purpose/Description:
The purpose of the program is to strengthen the nation’s capacity to carry out public health activities in the area of primary
immune deficiency (PID) diseases by increasing and physician education and public health awareness through programs for PID.
The objective is to disseminate educational information on a national level to public and private health care providers, educators, third-party payers, impacted families, and others who may help expedite clinical recognition and improve health outcomes for Americans with PI Disease.
This program addresses the “Healthy People 2020/2030” topic(s) of education and community-based programs, and health communications.
Office of Genomics and Precision Public Health (OGPPH), Deputy Director for Public Health Science and Surveillance (DDPHSS) which facilitates this grant activity serves the CDC priorities of Advance Evidence-based Health Policies, Prevent Illness, Injury and Premature Death, and Support of State, Tribal and local Health Departments.
This is accomplished by generating credible, evidence-based information for public health policy and programs in genomics.
Applying evidence-based information to further improvements of health care delivery and containment of cots, helps promote the Health and Human Services’ (HHS) priorities to promote prevention and wellness and promote high-value, safe, and effective health care.
Healthy People 2020/2030 goals are also served by focusing resources into areas where genomics can enhance prevention of disease.