The CDC office in Ethiopia was established in 2001 and works closely with the Ministry of Health (MOH), the Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI), the Ministry of Agriculture, and the National Animal Health Diagnostic Investigation Center to develop the capacity to prevent, detect, and respond to
priority diseases.
In 2014, CDC began coordination with the Government of Ethiopia to build Ethiopia’s capacity to achieve the International Health Regulation (IHR) targets through implementing the Global Health Security Agenda.
The initial roadmap was developed with multisector partners in 2015, and the multi-sector collaboration is proving successful with over 500 trained in field epidemiology, a national public health emergency operations center activated for outbreaks, and expanding diagnostic and surveillance capacity.
Ethiopia was the second country to conduct a joint external assessment (JEE) and has completed a costed National Action Plan for Health Security (NAPHS).
EPHI led the multisector partners in both of these initiatives.
The strategic focus areas of CDC’s work to achieve Ethiopia’s IHR compliance are the following:
Laboratory Workforce Development Surveillance Emergency Management