The Award Ceiling for Year 1 is 0 (none).
CDC anticipates an Approximate Total Fiscal Year Funding amount of $24,000,000 for Year 1, subject to the availability of funds.
This NOFO focuses on the implementation of quality and sustainable comprehensive HIV services with the goal
of achieving and maintaining national epidemic control.
The aim of this NOFO is to facilitate Homa Bay, Kiambu, Kirinyaga, Kisii, Kisumu, Kitui, Machakos, Makueni, Migori, Muranga, Nairobi, and Nyeri county governments’ ability to progressively manage, sustain, and transition financing of HIV service delivery from PEPFAR to counties.
Through this NOFO, collaborations between county governments and PEPFAR implementing partners (IPs) will be strengthened to build their local capacity for implementing, managing, and fiscally overseeing the HIV program.
This approach aligns with the role of county government to manage and oversee health resources based on the 2010 Government of Kenya (GOK) Constitution.
Intended outcomes of this NOFO include:
achievement of the PEPFAR 95-95-95 goals (95% of all people living with HIV [PLHIV] know their status, 95% of those diagnosed are on antiretroviral therapy [ART], and 95% of those on treatment are virally suppressed), reducing the number of new infections in general and key populations, eliminating pediatric HIV infection, and reducing HIV and TB-related morbidity and mortality.
Another key outcome for this project is for county governments to increase local financing of human resources for health (HRH) and a sustainable HIV service delivery program.