CDC Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) has awarded previous cooperative agreements that have supported jurisdictions in implementing a broad range of activities to develop, improve and maintain their EHDI Information System (EHDI-IS).
These activities have resulted in over 95%
of newborns screened and improved early identification of deaf or hard of hearing (D/HH) infants.
Even with these successes the capabilities of the EHDI-IS vary and some infants are not documented as having received recommended follow-up diagnostic testing and intervention services.
Ensuring that follow-up services are provided is essential in meeting the needs of children who are D/HH and increasing the impact of state EHDI programs.
A key goal of the EHDI program is to ensure that children who are D/HH develop language skills commensurate with their hearing peers by kindergarten.
This begins with early diagnosis and timely enrollment into intervention services.
“Early” is defined as being identified before three months of age and enrolled in intervention services before six months of age.
The timely receipt of diagnostic and intervention services is made possible in part by jurisdictions using their CDC-funded EHDI-IS to actively track infants to make sure they receive essential screening, diagnostic, and intervention services.
This new NOFO aims to continue to advance the system's capacity by optimizing jurisdictions’ existing EHDI-IS and expanding their ability to report, analyze, and use patient-level data.
This will include supporting states to:
Report patient-level data on all occurrent births (excluding direct identifiers) Refine existing tracking and surveillance practices Optimize EHDI-IS functionality to support data collection, tracking and documentation of follow-up diagnostic and intervention services Strengthen capacity for timely reporting and analysis of data to support real-time decision making by state programs
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services
Office: Centers for Disease Control - NCBDDD
Estimated Funding: $28,000,000
Obtain Full Opportunity Text:
Additional Information of Eligibility:Eligibility for this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is limited to state health departments, including the District of Columbia and territories or their Bona Fide Agents.
If applicant is applying as a Bona Fide agent of a state or local government, a legal, binding agreement from the state or local government as documentation of the status is required.
Name the file "Bona Fide agent", save as a PDF, and upload to
In addition, applicants must provide the following required documentation to be considered responsive: 1.
Have at least 5,000 annual resident births.
Applicant must submit a letter of verification from an official in Vital Records (VR) or other agency responsible for determining the number of annual births in the state, verifying the number of resident births occurring in calendar year 2018.
Name the file "Vital Records Verification", save as a PDF, and upload to
and 2.
Currently collect and can report ALL tier-1 patient-level data items on all occurrent births, as defined by the data specifications available at
Applicant must submit a letter from the EHDI Program Official verifying program's ability to collect and report ALL tier-1 data items and a checklist of tier-1 data items verifying the data items that are collected.
Name the file for the letter "EHDI PO data verification", save as a PDF, and upload to
Name the file for the data checklist "Tier 1 patient level data items list", save as a PDF, and upload to
If the required documentation is not submitted with this application, the application will be deemed non-responsive and will not be passed along for further review.
The award ceiling for this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is $200,000.
CDC will consider any application requesting an award higher than this amount as non-responsive and it will receive no further review
Full Opportunity Web Address: Agency Email Description: Grants Policy
Agency Email: Date Posted: 2020-01-14
Application Due Date: Archive Date: 2020-04-15