Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announces a notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) for Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences:
Data to Action (PACE:D2A), a cooperative agreement designed to address state-specific needs related to the prevention of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs).
The two primary goals of this NOFO are 1) to build a state-level surveillance infrastructure that ensures the capacity to collect, analyze, and use ACE data to inform statewide ACE prevention activities; and 2) to support the implementation of data-driven, comprehensive, evidence-based ACE primary prevention strategies; and provide technical support to states in these efforts.
This NOFO has three required foci to support these goals – 1) enhance or build the infrastructure for the state-level collection, analysis, and application of ACE-related surveillance data that can be used to inform and tailor ACE prevention activities, 2) implement strategies based on the best available evidence to prevent ACEs, and 3) conduct data to action activities to continue to assess state-wide surveillance and primary prevention needs and make needed modifications.
The work of these foci, and the infrastructure and expertise exerted to accomplish that work, should be interdependent and should be planned and implemented as part of a comprehensive and coordinated ACE prevention dynamic system that reflects the 10 Essential Public Health Services promoted by CDC.