The United States Agency forInternational Development (USAID) is issuing this Broad Agency Announcement(BAA) to seek participants to co-create, co-design, co-invest, and collaborateon research and development interventions to rapidly demonstrate and rigorouslytest person-centered, high-impact and novel
solutions that can accelerate theGovernment of India’s (GOI) efforts to eliminate Tuberculosis (TB) by202 5.
USAID invites organizations andcompanies to submit an Expression of Interest, as provided below.
Achieving the ambitious goal of ending TB by 2025 necessitates a paradigm shift inapproach and strategy.
Partnering withthe GOI, USAID is calling for groundbreaking approaches to accelerate areduction in TB, with a special focus on multidrug-resistant/rifampicin resistant TBMDR/RR-TB.
USAID will invest inout-of-the-box, but achievable solutions that leapfrog conventional approachesto ensure a person-centered approach to prevent, diagnose and treat TB.
USAID is particularly interested in investingin and supporting approaches that strengthen the enabling environment, enhanceservice delivery platforms and integrate the latest behavior change approacheswith scientific and/or technological advances for maximum impact.
Critical to the sustained success of thehigh-impact solutions is a defined understanding and pathway of how to ensurethat TB services are accessible for all, including priority and vulnerablepopulations, and fostering diverse local partnerships that can help catalyzesuccessful implementation.
Theintent of the BAA is to allow co-creation and co-design to the maximum extentto create high quality, effective partnerships with great efficiency in timeand resources.
USAID will inviteselected for-profit and non-profit, faith-based, public and privateorganizations, as detailed below, to co-create solutions to the Problem andChallenge Statements stated in this BAA, including those organizations thathave ideas, expertise, resources, and/or funding to add to potential solutions.
USAID wants to aligngoals with the partners under this BAA, to facilitate shared responsibility,shared risk, and shared resourcing.
Shared resourcing requires that cash and other resources, both tangibleand intangible, such as in-kind contributions, expertise, intellectualproperty, brand value, high-value coordination, and access to key people,places, and information, are directed towards reaching the solution to theProblem/Challenge.
Co-investing does not require equal shared resources (suchas 1:1 leverage), but rather resource contributions that are appropriate to thespecific project’s objectives, considering the comparative advantages broughtby the participation of each party.