The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is issuing this Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) to seek participants to co-create, co-design, co-invest, and collaborate on research and development (R&D) interventions to address the need for sustainable water and sanitation services
in Western Kenya.
USAID invites organizations and companies to submit an Expression of Interest, as provided in Section VIII of this BAA.
USAID and stakeholders, through the co-creation process, will strive to design an activity that will (1) build a robust sanitation and hygiene market to enable the adoption of higher quality latrines and county-wide access to hygiene products; and (2) ensure county-wide sustainable drinking water services to households, including effective management of water resources.
The intent of the BAA is to allow co-creation and co-design to the maximum extent to create high-quality, effective partnerships with great efficiency in time and resources.
USAID will invite selected public, private, for-profit, and nonprofit organizations, as well as institutions of higher education, public international organizations, non-governmental organizations, U.
and non-U.
governmental organizations, multilateral and international donor organizations, as detailed in this BAA, to co-create R&D solutions to the Problem and Challenge Statements stated in this BAA under Section IV.
The Expression(s) of Interest must include a proposed R&D intervention to address one or both of the areas listed above with the ultimate goal of achieving sustainable water and sanitation services in Western Kenya.
Each EOI must indicate what county or counties the organization intends to work in.
It is not necessary to propose work in all target counties.