John C.
Stennis Space Center (SSC) is the primary NASA rocket propulsion testing center.
SSC tests items ranging from multi-engine stages to individual components of rocket engines.
Propulsion test customers include NASA, the Department of Defense and the
commercial space launch industry.
SSC manages a large federal city that is home to over forty federal, state, university and industry entities.
SSC manages a restricted airspace that is available for development, testing and operation of unmanned aerial vehicles.
SSC engineering laboratories design and test electronics, sensors, algorithms and mechanical components.
This CAN supports identification and implementation of cost-sharing partnerships to develop technology to meet a specific NASA need at SSC.
This notice seeks responses from potential partners interested in entering into a Cooperative Agreement with NASA for the joint development of technologies to meet SSC needs.
These technology development projects are managed by the Chief of the Advanced Technology & Technology Transfer branch at the John C.
Stennis Space Center, Stennis Space Center, MS.