This Broad Mission Announcement (BMA) seeks opportunities for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to co-create, co-design, co-invest, and collaborate in basic and applied research and development that supports the Government of Ethiopia’s (GOE) reform efforts, to meet
joint USAID/GOE Development Objectives, which are outlined in USAID/Ethiopia’s Country Development Cooperation Strategy.
In accordance with additional Critical Problem Addenda that will be issued under the BMA, organizations and companies are invited to participate with USAID in activities, innovations, and technologies that further these Development Objectives.This BMA serves to inform the public of the opportunity for possible funding for innovations that support the GOE quest for improved development outcomes.
Actual opportunities for funding and partnering will be issued as a Critical Problem Addenda to this BMA.
No responses to the BMA will be considered until a Critical Problem Addendum has been issued.
The terms of the BMA apply to each Critical Problem Addendum.
Individual Critical Problem Addenda may have specific requirements for evaluation criteria and administrative information, such as the requirements for Expressions of Interest, Concept Papers, and response deadlines.This BMA is a competitive approach to consider applications that harness scientific research, specific expertise or experience, innovation, and partnerships to discover, test and scale breakthrough innovations to solve development challenges in the areas of development program management, disaster risk management, household and community resilience, private sector growth, essential service delivery (strengthening education and health systems as well as empowering communities), youth development and engagement, and citizen responsive governance.