The upcoming award is an activity under the fifth Intermediate Result (IR 4. 5:
Health and Nutrition Systems Strengthened for Greater Self-reliance) for the fourth Development Objective (DO 4) of the new Strategic Results Framework (SRF) for USAID Ethiopia which aims at building Effective Systems
that Advance Health and Education Outcomes.
IR 4. 5 also contributes to the new SRF Development Objective 2 (DO 2) which pursues Increased Resilience of Vulnerable Populations to Key Shocks.
In keeping with the goal and objectives for the Program as delineated above and those of the Ethiopian government, the Results Framework for the Health Financing Activity depicts the four Intermediate Results for the program and a set of key interventions (Sub-Results) to accomplish under each of the four IRs, which are:
IR 1:
Increased Domestic Resource Mobilization for Enhanced Provision of Quality PHC Services IR 2:
Streamlined Risk-pooling Mechanisms for Wider Access to PHC Services with Reduced Financial Barriers IR 3:
Improved Arrangements for Strategic Purchasing of Health Services from Public and Private Providers IR 4:
Strengthened Governance, Management, and Evidence-generation for the Health Financing Reforms and Health Facilities