THIS IS A REQUEST FOR INFORMATION (RFI) ONLY, issued solely for information and planning purposes.
It is not a Request for Proposals (RFP) or Request for Applications (RFA) and is not to be construed as a commitment by the U.
Government or USAID to issue any solicitation or
ultimately award a contract or assistance agreement on the basis of this RFI, or to pay for any information voluntarily submitted as a result of this request.
USAID is not seeking technical or cost proposals at this time.
DO NOT submit any proposal/application at this time in response to this RFI.
Responding to this RFI does not give any advantage to any firm or organization in any subsequent competition.Responses to this RFI are strictly voluntary and USAID will not pay respondents for the information provided in response to this RFI.
Information, comments, and suggestions received will be reviewed and may be incorporated into a future solicitation.
Responses to this RFI will not be returned and respondents will not be notified of the result of the review.
The RFI is an attempt to reach out to the market in an effort to determine the scope of industry capabilities and interest and will be treated as information only.
Responses (comments, suggestions an enhancements) to this notice are not applications and cannot be accepted by the Government to form a binding agreement.If a Solicitation is issued, it will be announced publicly at a later date and all interested parties must respond to that Solicitation announcement separately from any response to this announcement.
This RFI does not restrict the Government's approach on a future solicitation.