The United States Agency for International Development in Malawi (USAID/Malawi) is issuing this Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) to seek participants to co-create, co-design, co-invest, and collaborate on research and development interventions to strengthen citizen engagement and foster agency for change
by testing new approaches to Malawi's most critical development challenges.
USAID/Malawi invites organizations and companies to submit an Expression of Interest, as provided below.
The intent of the BAA is to allow co-creation and co-design to the maximum extent to create high quality, effective partnerships with great efficiency in time and resources.
USAID/Malawi will invite selected for-profit and non-profit, public and private organizations, as detailed below, to co-create research and development (R&D) solutions to the Problem and Challenge Statements stated in this BAA, including those organizations that have ideas, expertise, resources, and/or funding to add to potential solutions.
USAID/Malawi wants to align goals with the partners under this BAA, to facilitate shared responsibility, shared risk, and shared resourcing.
Shared resourcing requires that cash and other resources, both tangible and intangible, such as in-kind contributions, expertise, intellectual property, brand value, high-value coordination, and access to key people, places, and information, are directed towards reaching the solution to the Problem/Challenge.
Co-investing does not require equal shared resources (such as 1:1 leverage), but rather resource contributions that are appropriate to the specific project’s objectives, considering the comparative advantages brought by the participation of each party.
USAID/Malawi seeks expressions of interest to develop programming approaches to address the challenge through two themes:
Catalytic Sustainable Development:
Developing Malawian approaches to Malawian challenges.
Organizational and Institutional Development:
Strengthening support systems for local development.