This five year, $1 8. 5 million project will reduce emissions from land use change by strengthening sustainable forest management in the Maya Biosphere Reserve (MBR), Verapaces, and Western Highlands, while generating direct economic and environmental benefits for small- and medium-sized enterprises
(SMEs) and community-based organizations (CBOs) and addressing the lack of economic opportunity which is the primary driver of illegal migration in Guatemala.
This will be accomplished by building technical and institutional capacity in the forest sector, and supporting the implementation of legal and policy frameworks that enable long-term community management of natural resources.
Ultimately, this Project will improve the performance and sustainability of local forestry and forest-related businesses, while building healthy forests and livelihoods.
This project is funded solely with Sustainable Landscapes funds.
The applicant and proposed partners will implement solutions to the development challenge in the geographic areas outlined above.
The applicant’s project will support solutions that advance the following three overarching areas:
1. Sustainable resource management improved to protect forests and enhance ecosystem services 2.
Market linkages for sustainably produced forest and agroforestry products and tourism services developed to improve livelihoods; and 3.
Implementation of national- and regional-level laws, plans, strategies, and policies that seek to reduce deforestation advanced.