USAID/Guatemala hereby solicits concept papers from U.
and non-U.
organizations for engaging with USAID Guatemala under the Partnerships for Prosperity (P4P) APS.
USAID/Guatemala is committed to strategic partnerships as a means to increase the impact of
its development work and make it sustainable.
Partnerships enable USAID/Guatemala to leverage private sector assets, innovation, markets, and expertise.
The P4P APS emphasizes partnerships that allow USAID/Guatemala to collaborate and jointly define development challenges with the private sector, identify the most impactful solutions, and address these through mutual contributions of resources.
USAID/Guatemala seeks such partnerships through the Partnerships for Prosperity APS in areas where USAID and the partner share development objectives.
These development objectives include addressing malnutrition, employment for youth, clean water and sanitation, education technology, improved natural resource management, and reducing corruption.
The goal of the collaboration is to address development challenges using an approach or innovation that can be replicated and sustained leading to measurable improvements in development outcomes.
Innovations are not defined by their novelty, but by their potential to achieve significant development outcome versus existing alternatives.
The APS will be open for 12 months and eligible organizations can submit concept papers throughout the year, however, evaluations of the concept papers will be completed during two phases, as described herein.
USAID/Guatemala seeks concept papers that mobilize significant new private sector investments that create win-win alliances, by advancing private sector business growth and/or corporate social responsibility, while scaling our development impact.
The goal of this APS is to identify partner organizations and institutions that bring innovative ideas and new and additional resources of at least a 1:1 match (meaning that for every $1 in USG contribution the alliance partner/s should be able to contribute at least $1 of cash or in-kind) to address jointly defined development challenges.
Matching resources may include money, technologies, expertise, or other assets that Applicants can demonstrate as beneficial to tackling and resolving a development challenge.
Priority will be given to Concept Papers that have a higher than 1:1 leverage ratio or include significant cash contributions.
Additionally, while not a requirement, USAID/Guatemala encourages partnering arrangements that include women, youth, and indigenous-led organizations.