The Weaving Lives and Hope Activity (WLH or the Activity) is driven by USAID/Colombia’s Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) goal of “Creating the conditions for a sustainable and inclusive peace in Colombia.” The Activity stems from Development Objective 2, which seeks to
“advance reconciliation among victims, ex-combatants and other citizens” and is built upon lessons learned from previous and ongoing USAID/Colombia programs working with youth, marginalized groups, victims of the conflict, prevention of recruitment, reconciliation, psychosocial support, peace-builders and inclusion of conflict-affected populations.
Additionally, the Activity aligns with the newly drafted Country Cooperation and Development Strategy (CDCS):
A more Stable, Peaceful and Prosperous Colombia through Inclusive Development and Equitable Growth, - Development Objective (DO)#1:
A more cohesive and inclusive society resilient to conflict.
USAID/Colombia fosters integration and reintegration into society of migrants and conflict affected persons, particularly youth, increased participation in psychosocial services and advance truth-telling and reparation processes.
USAID/Colombia’s Weaving Lives and Hope Activity (WLH) seeks to continue these efforts by supporting community-based initiatives and civil society organizations that represent conflict survivors and advocate for conflict survivors’ rights and access to services.
WLH is expected to partner with GOC institutions to include health and rehabilitation approaches in post-conflict peace building.
WLH is also expected to align its efforts to improve citizen access to mental health and psychosocial support services (MHPSS) and with initiatives that promote economic opportunities in conflict-affected communities.
By simultaneously strengthening MHPSS and economic development in these communities, WLH will develop holistic interventions that support individual and community well-being.