72048618RFI USAID/RDMA-Laos Microenterprise Development Release Date:
November 7, 2017 Response Due Date:
November 24, 2017 at 4:00 PM (Bangkok local time) The United States Agency for International Development, Regional Development Mission
for Asia (USAID/RDMA) is in the process of designing a new program to support microenterprise development in Lao PDR., including, but not limited to, agriculture sector.
This is a Request for Information (RFI) which intends to provide public information to parties interested in USAID’s support in the sector, as well as to collect any information and suggestions about the USAID’s planned programming.
Information collected is intended to help in the Mission’s activity design and development for an intended future solicitation which is anticipated to be issued in the mid 201 8.
Requested Action:
At this time, USAID is seeking responses to the questions of this RFI as detailed below.
Please note USAID is not seeking technical or cost applications/proposals at this time.
Responses to this RFI are voluntary and USAID will not pay respondents for any information provided in response to this RFI.
If a future solicitation is issued, it will be announced on the Federal Business Opportunities website at or at at a later date.
Thank you for your assistance and interest in USAID programs.
Sincerely, /s/ Gregory Wang Regional Agreement/Contracting Officer USAID/RDMA, Bangkok, Thailand