USAID Cambodia Social and Behavior Change Activity

This Activity will support the purpose described in USAID/OPHE’s new Project Appraisal Document (PAD), which is to ensure that Cambodians seek and receive quality health care with decreased financial hardship through more sustainable systems.

The Activity will contribute to this purpose

through achievement of sub-intermediate result (Sub-IR) 2. 1. 1 (Improved health and child protection behaviors) and, to a lesser extent, Sub-IR 2. 1. 3 (Improved quality of public and private sector health and social services), from the Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS):
Improved health and child protection behaviors among Cambodians.

The primary focus will be on improving healthy behaviors.

The Activity will complement the relevant sub-purpose in the Project Appraisal Document by generating demand for quality health services.
Agency: Agency for International Development

Office: Cambodia USAID-Phnom Penh

Estimated Funding: $10,000,000

Who's Eligible

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