USAID Bangladesh sees private-sector engagement as an enormous opportunity to advance shared goals with the private sector.
Private-sector partnerships can expand the impact and sustainability of development efforts, as programs become integral parts of the business relationship.
/>Partnerships increase workers’ access to training through existing commercial relationships between brands and suppliers.
Partnerships permit for cost sharing, which leads to greater investments and, therefore, greater impact.
Finally, partnerships can capitalize on the strength of each stakeholder, with USAID sharing programming knowledge and skills and the private partner bringing business expertise, innovative approaches and resources.
Through this RFI, USAID seeks information from private-sector and development partners about their interest in launching partnerships with USAID to develop worker skill, health and livelihoods.
Information also is welcomed from international and national non-governmental organizations on designing and implementing similar activities.
The purpose of this RFI is to gain a better understanding of the needs of Bangladeshi garment workers and of opportunities to enhance workers’ – especially women’s -- productivity, health, and empowerment.
Through this RFI, USAID invites the private sector and national and international NGOs to recommend initiatives to advance the cause of workers and to improve workplace culture.
Request for Information:
This RFI asks interested parties to:
Share information on evidence-based private-sector initiatives respondents believe relevant to improving Bangladesh RMG workers’ skills and working conditions and empowering RMG workers, particularly women.
Sharing information and lessons learned from country contexts similar to Bangladesh would be welcome.
Share information on public-private partnerships to advance workers safety, skills, productivity and working conditions.
For example, what mechanisms for partnerships work best? Were the impacts of such initiatives sustainable after the program ended? Suggest key programming and research gaps that remain for the RMG sector, as related to women’s empowerment, gender inclusion, and gender equality.
USAID also welcomes reports or information from organizations that address any or all of the following questions:
1. Female workers and the Bangladesh RMG sector:
Do female RMG workers have opportunities to receive regular salary or wage increases? b.
What percentage of women workers get promoted to middle management positions? c.
On average, in how many RMG factories do female workers work over their career? How long do they work at each factory? What are some of the reasons they move to different factories? 2. Women’s empowerment opportunities in the RMG sector in Bangladesh:
How gender-inclusive is the RMG workforce in Bangladesh, especially for opportunities to hold mid-level management positions? b.
What factors support or inhibit females from becoming workplace leaders? How could advancement opportunities for women be increased? c.
What types of challenges do women face in balancing work and home life in Bangladesh? What support mechanisms are available in their communities and factories? 3. Donor alignment in the Bangladesh RMG sector:
Which donors and brands are investing to improve worker skills? b.
Are international donor funded projects and funding levels properly aligned to support desired improvements in the lives of Bangladesh RMG workers? 4.
Bangladesh RMG brand engagement with USAID:
For private firms:
What issues are faced by Bangladesh RMG sector workers that, as a brand, you wish to address? b.
Are you interested in a partnership with USAID to co-design a Private Sector Engagement activity? c.
How would you like to be engaged in this initiative? RFI Submission:
Eligible organizations and firms are encouraged to provide information/comments by the closing date and time noted.
Submission via email is required; phone calls or hard copy delivery will not be accepted.
The RFI submission should not be longer than five pages.
Respondents must use only 11 point Times New Roman font or similar size typeset, 8. 5 inch by 11-inch paper, and single-spaced pages for all narrative documents, with each page numbered consecutively.
If the respondent has produced relevant reports, those reports may be included, preferably as embedded links.
If the reports are not online, they may be submitted as attached documents.
The submission must be in English; however, reference documents or links may be in Bangla.
Please do not submit applications, proposals, or resumes as they will be discarded.
Responses will be held confidential.
Proprietary information should not be sent.
Submissions will not be acknowledged, nor will responses be sent.
USAID may use any information provided without incurring any obligation.
Please submit electronic written information by March 31, 2020, no later than 04:30 p.m.
Bangladesh time.
E-mail submissions shall be sent to: and
USAID/Bangladesh reserves the right to incorporate any and all comments into a solicitation document.
Thank you for your interest and assistance in USAID/Bangladesh programs.