The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) isseeking concept papers from local non-governmental organizations (NGOs),partnerships and consortia (see Section C Eligibility Information foradditional details about eligibility) to implement USAID Localworks (Snaga lokalnog) initiative.
Please note, at this timewe are not accepting full applications.
Only concept papers will be reviewed.Applicants who are successful in the concept paper stage will be invited tojoin a co-creation process.
Following the co-creation process, selectedapplicants (individual organizations and/or consortia developed duringco-creation) will be requested to submit a full application, based oninstructions provided in greater detail by the Agreement Officer.
Instructionson how to prepare a concept paper are provided within this APS.
USAID reservesthe right not to conduct the co-creation process.
Subject to availability of funds, USAID intends to grant up to $ 6. 5million in total for all awards under this APS.
Individual awards will range intotal value from $250,000 to $500,000, with a period of performance rangingbetween three to five years.
Awards, if any, will be made in accordance withevaluation procedures provided in Section E Application Review Information.Concept papers under this APS must be received by either of the two closingdates/times indicated at the top of this cover letter.
To beeligible for award, the applicant must provide all information as required inthis NOFO and meet eligibility standards in Section C of this NOFO.
Thisfunding opportunity is posted on, and may be amended.
It is theresponsibility of the applicant to regularly check the website to ensure theyhave the latest information pertaining to this notice of funding opportunityand to ensure that the NOFO has been received from the internet in itsentirety.
USAID bears no responsibility for data errors resulting fromtransmission or conversion process.
If you have difficulty registering or accessing the NOFO, please contact the Helpdesk at1-800-518-4726 or via email at for technical assistance.Applicants are not required to be registered on in order to downloadthis APS.
USAID may notaward to an applicant unless the applicant has complied with all applicableunique entity identifier and System for Award Management (SAM) requirementsdetailed in Section D.
6. f.
Theregistration process may take many weeks to complete.
Therefore, Applicants areencouraged to begin registration early in the process.
Please sendany questions to the point(s) of contact identified in Section D.
The deadline for questions is shownabove.
Responses to questions receivedby the deadline will be furnished to all potential applicants through anamendment to this notice posted to
Issuance ofthis notice of funding opportunity does not constitute an award commitment onthe part of the Government nor does it commit the Government to pay for anycosts incurred in preparation or submission of comments/suggestions or anapplication.
Applications are submittedat the risk of the applicant.
All preparation and submission costs are at theapplicant’s expense.