Pipeline safety is a shared responsibility and informed communities play a vital role in the safety and reliability of pipeline operations.
The Pipeline Safety Information Grants to Communities:
Technical Assistance Grants (TAG) provides funding to local communities and groups of individuals
for technical assistance related to pipeline safety.
The program also provides opportunities that strengthen the depth and quality of public participation in the safe development and operation of pipelines in and around communities.
Technical assistance is defined as engineering or other scientific analysis of pipeline safety issues.
Since program inception in 2009, PHMSA has awarded almost $8 million for 178 individual technical assistance projects.
TAG awards have funded a broad range of activities, including:
improvement of local pipeline emergency response capabilities; improvement of safe digging or damage prevention programs; developmentof pipeline safety information resources; implementation of local land use practices that enhance pipeline safety; community and pipeline awareness campaigns; and, public participation in official proceedings pertaining to pipeline safety.
A summary of the TAGawards, including final reports from completed grant projects, is available at http://primis.phmsa.dot.gov/tag.