RFP–Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) vs WaterborneTransport The MaritimeAdministration (MARAD) is issuing a request for proposals (RFP) for a studythat investigates probable waterborne means of transporting liquefied naturalgas (LNG) from locations within the US to US terminals or ports.
objective of the study is to identify howto effectively and efficiently supply LNG via waterborne transportation tovarious regions within the United States where demand shortages occur.
The study will serve to better inform themaritime industry on LNG market supply capabilities.
Study Requirements:
The study should identify existing vessels aswell as vessels currently on order in US shipyards, capable of meeting the needto supply regions where natural gas is in short supply during the peak demandseason.
In addition, the study must:
consider potentialinfrastructure needs and/or modifications necessary to adapt current vesselsand landside connections for such purposes; identify existingvessels that are capable of moving supplies of LNG along the coasts as well as identifythe need for new build designs that would meet this need; and investigatewhether new specialty-designed vessels are needed.
To gain a betterunderstanding market and supply needs, the study must also identify:
Regions of peakdemand supply shortage; Origin anddestination ports/terminals for the LNG supply chain; Specificinfrastructure needs along the supply chain to support demand; Specific vesselneeds for frequent LNG supply transits; and Market economy forthe movement of LNG to meet peak demand needs.
The study must becompleted within 3 months from time of award.
Proposals are limited to 10 pages maximum (including anyappendices/attachments).
Any proposalthat exceeds this requirement will not be considered.
Any proposal that does not clearly addressthe evaluation criteria will not be considered.
The following evaluation criteria will be used toevaluate proposals:
Working knowledgeof the US maritime industry, including but not limited to regulations, maritimecargo movement, and vessel design; Expert knowledgeof LNG market within and outside of the US; Knowledge of theLNG supply and transportation routes; Experience withproducing published reports/peer-reviewed articles; Ability tocomplete the project within the limited timeframe; and Cost