The purpose of the APS is to publicize the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) plans to fund a limited number of programs through the USAID/MalawiÂ’s Economic Growth Functional Objective of improving conditions in biologically significant areas through community based natural
resource management.
The overall objective is to support MalawiÂ’s rural poor in transforming management and protection of their natural resources and biologically significant areas from practices that degrade, to approaches that revitalize and protect these important areas for the good of the society and future generations.
Pending the availability of funding, USAID/Malawi anticipates awarding one or two grants or cooperative agreements to fund applications submitted in response to this APS.
Each agreement will run from approximately May, 2009 until September, 201 2.
The total amount available for funding is $10,000,000 (ten million dollars).
If two agreements are awarded; one agreement will receive a maximum individual amount of $7,000,000 (seven million dollars) and a second with a minimum of $1,000,000 (one million dollars) and a maximum of $3,000,000 (three million dollars).
USAID reserves the right to fund one or more or none of the applications which may be submitted.
Out of an estimated $10 million total award, USAID is planning an initial funding of approximately $955,000 for the programs for fiscal year 200 9.
The projects will be funded primarily through Biodiversity funding though will be supplemented with Agriculture funding pending future budget levels.
Upon satisfactory evaluation of the projects at the end of the funding period, USAID/Malawi may make a determination to extend the project agreement(s) by a further 2 (two) years.