NIST is seeking to provide financial assistance to support the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE), including outreach efforts to the broader cybersecurity education community at the primary and secondary school levels; this program will include planning and managing the annual NICE
K12 Cybersecurity Education Conference in the continental United States for up to the next five years.
Agency: Department of Commerce
Office: National Institute of Standards and Technology
Estimated Funding: $100,000
Obtain Full Opportunity Text:U.S. Embassy New Delhi
Additional Information of Eligibility:Eligibility for the program listed in this NOFO is open to all non-Federal entities.
Eligible applicants include accredited institutions of higher education; non-profit organizations; for-profit organizations incorporated in the United States; state, local, territorial, and Indian tribal governments; foreign public entities; and foreign organizations.
Please note that individuals and unincorporated sole proprietors are not considered “non-Federal entities” and are not eligible to apply under this NOFO.
Although Federal entities are not eligible to receive funding under this NOFO, they may participate as unfunded collaborators.
Full Opportunity Web Address:See Related Documents TabContact: Agency Email Description: Agency Contact
Agency Email: Date Posted: 2020-04-03
Application Due Date: Archive Date: 2020-07-01