Embassy Cotonou is pleased to announce an open competition for community organizations in Benin to submit applications for a grant from the U.
Ambassador’s Special Self-Help Fund (SSH).
The application period is open until April 30, 2018, and awards are subject to fund
A detailed program description and application instructions can be found on Embassy Cotonou’s website, located at http://tiny.cc/CTNgrants.
The SSH program is aimed at assisting Beninese community groups to develop lasting, self-sustainable projects that significantly impact communities by addressing critical health, social, and development concerns.
Each year, Embassy Cotonou supports approximately six to ten projects with small grants, typically under $5,00 0.
These grants have contributed to agricultural modernization, economic development, combatting early marriages and gender-based violence, improved sanitation, women’s empowerment, improved learning conditions, and greater access to clean water, health services, and education.
To learn more about grant guidelines, please visit Embassy Cotonou’s website, or contact the Small-Grants Team at CotonouGrants@state.gov.