FAS will make foreign currencies available to eligible applicants to provide assistance in market development and agricultural technical assistance activities.
This announcement supersedes all previous announcements regarding this program.
On January 17, 2003, FAS published a notice
in the Federal Register (68 FR 2491–2493) inviting proposals to use Tunisian currency for market development projects and technical assistance activities.
This notice maintains the availability of the Tunisian currency while also making the currency of Morocco available under the program.
FAS must disburse local currencies to program participants through the disbursing officers at U.
It is the responsibility of the recipient to arrange for the receipt and use of the foreign currencies made available through the program.
Activities funded with Section 108 currencies are not limited to the country in which the currency originated.
Applicants should note that the Moroccan currency cannot be converted to another currency prior to disbursement.
The Tunisian currency, however, may be converted to another foreign currency prior to disbursement.
Applicants wishing to make use of the convertibility of the Tunisian currency should make that request clear in their proposal.
Financial assistance under the Section 108 program will be made available on a competitive basis and applications will be reviewed against the evaluation criteria contained in this notice.
All U.
agricultural commodities, except tobacco, are eligible for consideration.