***Project activities may take place only in following countries:
Burma; Cambodia; Indonesia; Laos; Malaysia; Mongolia; Philippines; Thailand; or Vietnam.*** The U.
Department of State Bureau of East Asia Pacific Affairs (EAP) announces an open competition for environmental awards
(up to $24,999) to support local and regional small-scale environmental projects in eligible countries in Southeast Asia.
Since Fiscal Year 2007, EAP and the Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES) have worked together to award and administer small environmental grants in the EAP region.
These awards are funded through EAP regional foreign assistance funds, and managed by the OES Regional Environment, Science, Technology, and Health (ESTH) Officer for Northeast and Southeast Asia posted to Bangkok.
Projects should address one or more of the following environmental areas of focus:
• Food security:
agriculture and/or fisheries • Sustainable economic development • Adaptation to changing environmental conditions, e.g., coastal management • Waste management, including marine litter • Air quality • Maintaining biodiversity and healthy ecosystems • Creation and/or management of marine protected areas • Environment or health-related education (particularly for underserved groups) • Capacity building for scientific research on environmental issues • Development of new technology for application to environmental issues