The SLIGP is designed as a formula-based, matching grant program to assist States, in collaboration with regional, tribal, and local jurisdictions, to perform activities related to planning for the establishment of a nationwide public safety broadband network.
NTIA will structure the grant
program into two phases of funding with all funds obligated at the time of award.
Given the amount of funds available and the need for FirstNet to make decisions on the data collection process, NTIA will focus the SLIGP initially on planning, consulting, and development activities in preparation for consultations with FirstNet, including strategy and timeline development, meetings, governance planning, and outreach and education efforts.
NTIA will disburse funds for these activities during phase one.
The second phase will not begin until either after FirstNet has consulted with the State-designated contact about the matters listed in the Act, including defining coverage needs, user requirements, and network hardening and resiliency requirements, and advises NTIA it is ready for the commencement of data collection or when NTIA requests a revised budget from recipients for second phase activities.
The second funding phase will primarily address StatesÂ’ needs in preparing for additional consultation with FirstNet and planning to undertake data collection activities.
The second phase will fund data collection activities provided that FirstNet has determined that it needs standardized asset and infrastructure inventories from the States in designing the nationwide public safety broadband network.