NIC’s training and technical assistance approach will address the most challenging questions facing correctional officials:
How correctional agencies manage their most violent and disruptive inmates? How can they best protect their most vulnerable and victimized ones? And what is the safest
and most humane way to do so? Additionally, Inmates with serious mental illness (SMI) who are violent or disruptive pose a special challenge to correctional agencies nationwide.
Their behavior often requires removal from the general population, and yet traditional forms of restrictive housing present many challenges.
The DOJ Guiding Principles establish best practices around identification, placement, and management of all inmates to include those with SMI.
NIC is committed to providing training and technical assistance to the field to ensure federal, state, local, and tribal correctional agencies are knowledgeable in effective practices and have the tools to safely reduce restrictive housing populations.
NIC will expect the provider selected under this program to deliver training and technical assistance focused on implementing the DOJ’s Guiding Principles concerning the use of restrictive housing.