The U.


Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Nuclear Energy, through this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), seeks to facilitate the development and deployment of United States-owned Small Modular Reactor (SMR) designs at domestic locations.

Program funding will be provided


at a minimum of 50% industry cost-share, 50% Federal cost-share, to the awardee(s) for the purposes of completing design certification and licensing efforts for SMR deployment projects.

The total Government funding available for awards under this FOA is anticipated at $452 M over five (5) years, subject to availability of funds.

This FOA is available at Fedconnect under reference number DE-FOA-000037 1.

DOE intends to allow 60 days for applicant response to this FOA.

The application due date is May 21, 201 2.

The DOE will issue a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) document on this web site location in the next several days that will address questions regarding this procurement action.

The DOE is also planning to hold an Industry Day to respond to other questions from potential applicants and provide any clarification required on the content of the document.

The tentative date for the Industry Day is April 12, 2012, at the L'Enfant Plaza hotel in Washington D.C..

Attendees will be expected to register for this meeting.

More details on the date, time and registration requirements of this meeting will be posted on this site shortly.

Related Programs

Nuclear Energy Research, Development and Demonstration

Department of Energy

Agency: Idaho Field Office


Estimated Funding: $904,000,000

Who's Eligible

Relevant Nonprofit Program Categories

Obtain Full Opportunity Text:

Additional Information of Eligibility:
All types of entities are eligible to apply, except other Federal agencies, Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) Contractors, and nonprofit organizations described in section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 that engaged in lobbying activities after December 31, 1995.

Eligible applicants include, but are not limited to, teams, consortia, or other partnership arrangements consisting of , SMR vendors, universities, non-profits, power generation companies, and industry suppliers/vendors, including architect-engineers and constructors (nuclear industry organizations that are either U.S.-owned companies or companies meeting the requirements/definitions outlined in 10 CFR 600.502).

Federally-owned independent corporations may apply but should contact the DOE (see Part VII, B of this funding opportunity announcement) for an eligibility determination.

FFRDC Contractors may participate as members of a team, part nership or consortium, but may not apply as the prime.

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