The DOE SC program in Nuclear Physics (NP), the DOE SC Isotopes Program (IP), and the DOE National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Office of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation Research and...more
The DOE SC program in Biological and Environmental Research (BER) hereby announces its interest in receiving applications for research within the Biological Systems Science Division’s (BSSD)...more
The DOE SC program in Fusion Energy Sciences (FES) and the NNSA Defense Programs (DP) Office of Experimental Sciences jointly announce their interests in receiving applications for new and renewal...more
The DOE SC program in Fusion Energy Sciences (FES) hereby announces its interest in receiving applications to carry out experimental research in magnetic fusion energy sciences on long-pulse overseas...more
The DOE SC program in High Energy Physics (HEP) hereby announces its interest in new and renewal grant applications for support of research programs in high energy physics. Program Website:...more
The DOE SC Biological and Environmental Research (BER) Bioimaging Research program seeks to create a versatile “tool box” for imaging biological processes occurring within and among cells...more
The DOE SC Biological and Environmental Research (BER) Bioimaging Research program seeks to create a versatile “tool box” for imaging biological processes occurring within and among cells...more
The DOE SC program in Basic Energy Sciences (BES) hereby announces its interest in receiving new and renewal applications from small groups (2-3 principal investigators) and integrated...more
The DOE Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (DOE EPSCoR) hereby announces its interest in receiving new and renewal applications from eligible jurisdictions for Implementation...more
A partner at The Fruit Tree for Business LLP and co-founder of ESSENCE, Lorna Turner, discusses why Social Enterprise Day is a good time to celebrate Exeter’s thriving social enterprise scene.