The purpose of this Indian Health Service (IHS) program is to increase the awareness, visibility, advocacy, and education for behavioral health issues on a national scale and in the interest of...more
The purpose of this Indian Health Service (IHS) grant is to address the opioid crisis in American Indian / Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities by developing and expanding community education and...more
The purpose of this program is to fund an organization to provide COVID-19 education and services in the following five COVID-19 project areas: (1) public policy; (2) research and data; (3) training...more
The purpose of this Negotiation Cooperative Agreement is to provide Tribes with resources to help defray the costs associated with preparing for and engaging in Tribal Self-Governance Program (TSGP)...more
The purpose of this Planning Cooperative Agreement is to provide resources to Tribes interested in entering the Tribal Self-Governance Program (TSGP) and to existing Self-Governance Tribes interested...more
The purpose of this Indian Health Service (IHS) grant program is to combine existing resources and infrastructure with IHS Headquarters (HQ) and IHS area resources in order to address the broad...more
The purpose of this Indian Health Service (IHS) grant program is to enhance and develop health management infrastructure and assist Tribes and Tribal Organizations (T/TOs) in assuming all or part of...more
The purpose of this Indian Health Service (IHS) cooperative agreement is to address the disparity in injury rates by encouraging Tribes to implement focused, community-based injury prevention...more
The purpose of this Indian Health Service (IHS) cooperative agreement is to further IHS’s mission and goals related to providing quality health care to the American Indian / Alaska Native...more
Pedagogy of the Oppressed, a 1970s book by author Paulo Freire, envisions a world not as a given reality, but as “a problem to be worked on and solved.” That mentality is often applied to the greatest social entrepreneurs.