The Expanded Multidisciplinary Analysis and Design Optimization (MADO) for Effectiveness Based Design Technologies (EXPEDITE) program seeks to advance MADO technologies that support obtaining complex...more
This BAA will remain open through 12 March 2022 or until amended or superseded. It may be reissued and/or amended periodically, as needed. This BAA is set up in two parts: (1) Basic Open BAA, in...more
The AFRL Directed Energy Directorate (RD) and Space Vehicles Directorate (RV) are interested in receiving proposals under this announcement for multiple funding opportunities in support of the RD and...more
This Title III project is to further increase domestic advanced biofuels production capacity by establishing additional Integrated Biofuel Production Enterprise (IBPE) capabilities that represent a...more
The objective of the AFRL Diverse Collegiate R&D Collaboration program is to enable collaborative research partnerships between AFRL, Academia, and Industry, in areas including, but not limited to,...more
This Defense Production Act (DPA) Title III project shall establish domestic capability for producing secure hybrid composite intermodal containers (SHCIC). Emphasis will be placed on expansion...more
Objective is to establish either a Cooperative Agreement or a Technology Investment Agreement for the entire MAI III effort and in addition to select a Recipient as the MAI III Consortium...more
The objective of this program is to target local STEM High Schools, as designated by the Ohio Department of Education, within a 35 mile radius of WPAFB, Area B, for engaging high school students in...more
The objective of this DPA Title III Project is to expand existing domestic supplier production capabilities to produce three-dimensional (3D), ultra-high density microelectronics modules for use in...more
The country’s first green coworking space, Green Spaces, is a hub for green and socially conscious businesses in Denver to work and connect with each other.