The purpose of the Field Initiated (FI) Projects program is to generate new knowledge through research or to develop methods, procedures, and rehabilitation technology that maximize the full...more
The purpose of NIDILRR’s ARRT program is to provide advanced research training and experience to individuals with doctorates, or similar advanced degrees, who have clinical or other relevant...more
The purpose of NIDILRR’s ARRT program is to provide advanced research training and experience to individuals with doctorates, or similar advanced degrees, who have clinical or other relevant...more
The purpose of NIDILRR’s ARRT program is to provide advanced research training and experience to individuals with doctorates, or similar advanced degrees, who have clinical or other relevant...more
Grants awarded under this announcement are to provide disaster reimbursement and assistance funds to those State Units on Aging (SUAs), and federally recognized Tribal Organizations who are currently...more
The U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL), Administration on Aging (AoA), will be publishing a competitive grant opportunity to implement special projects under the authority granted in...more
The Administration on Disabilities (AoD) seeks to fund one five-year cooperative agreement that will increase and accelerate current efforts to embed ID/DD content into medical and allied health...more
The Administration on Disabilities (AoD) seeks to fund one (1) five-year grant to create an Alternatives to Guardianship Youth Resource Center. Research shows the majority (57 percent) of people with...more
AoD's Office of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (OIDD) within the Administration for Community Living (ACL), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) forecasts the...more
The country’s first green coworking space, Green Spaces, is a hub for green and socially conscious businesses in Denver to work and connect with each other.